Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
Through enlightening discourses and chanting of the holy name, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj (lovingly called Shri Maharaj Ji by His devotees) has been making unceasing efforts to reveal the true philosophy from the Vedic scriptures to mankind in the simplest form possible so that they can attain their true goal of God Realization.
Honoured with titles such as ‘The Supreme Spiritual Master of the World’, ‘Descension of Divine Love and Bliss’, ‘Eminent Propounder of Eternal Vedic Religion’ and ‘Reconciler of all Seemingly Contradictory Philosophical Views of the World’, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj truly was the personified form of divine love. His natural scholarliness inspired trust in even the greatest intellectuals, while his tremendous love, causeless grace and endless compassion melted the hearts and inspired devotional love in all who came near him. His satsang was divinely exhilarating and unbelievably joyous.

Shri Maharaj Ji makes no distinction of caste,creed, colour or race. With His infinite love and compassion,
He gathers all into the purity of His divine embrace.

A Message From Shri Maharaj Ji
Enshrine in golden letters the divine secret that I am about to reveal to you
The day a soul genuinely develops an unwavering deep conviction in his heart that God and His names are eternally one and the same, with equal powers and attributes, at that very moment he will become God-realised.
God is so merciful that declares in the scriptures –
I have made Myself omnipresent, but you do not believe in this.
I reside in My divine abode Golok, but you cannot reach there.
I reside within your heart, but you do not accept this.
Therefore, for your convenience, I have seated Myself with all My powers in My divine names.
The day this truth sinks into your heart, you will be so overwhelmed with bliss that you will not be able to recite ‘Radhey’. Your emotional voice will choke in your throat and your mind will drown in the ocean of bliss. Without delay, your Guru will shower his grace and make you God-realised. Just believe in these words of mine!
Yours Kripalu
Shri Maharaj Ji’s Life History
1922-1940 ( Birth, Childhood & Youth )
His Appearance
Jagadguru Kripalu Ji Maharaj appeared in a small village called Mangarh, near Allahabad, in India, on the auspicious night of Sharat Purnima in October 1922. His mother, Bhagvati Devi, and father, Lalita Prasad, named Him Ram Kripalu at birth. From the very first day, He delighted the hearts of everyone around Him with His sweet smile and serene look.
Miraculous Childhood
Since His childhood, His extraordinary virtues were noticed by people around Him. He spent His childhood in youthful fun, but at the same time, He excelled effortlessly in His studies and astonished His teachers and fellow students by His extraordinary intelligence and phenomenal memory. According to the tradition at that time, His parents got him married when He was 11 years old.
His Studies
He completed His schooling in a very short span of time, followed by the study of Sanskrit grammar, literature and Ayurveda. He received the degree of Vyakaranacharya in 1936, Ayurved Acharya in 1943 and Sahitya Acharya (Master of Literature) in 1944. This brief period of study did not include study of the scriptures.
Divine Submersion
At around the age of sixteen, He suddenly gave up His studies and resumed His natural divine nature and remained engrossed in Divine Love as He disappeared into the dense forest near Sharbhang ashram in Chitrakoot, and then into the forests near Vanshivat in Vrindavan. During this period, He graced the deserving souls who got to see a glimpse of the true form of Radha-Krishna love appearing in its fullest charm and highest ecstatic excitement. He remained totally immersed in the ecstasy of Divine Love, oblivious to the outer world. He forgot to pay attention to His physical state and the world around Him, remaining unconscious for hours on end.
Service To Souls
After approximately two years of moving about in this state of divine ecstasy, Shri Maharaj Ji was eventually discovered, and for the benefit of those people, He decided to conceal and control the bliss of Divine Love He was experiencing in order to propagate bhakti of Shri Krishna. Shri Maharaj Ji started revealing His divine wisdom and knowledge of the scriptures through His informal discourses. He also started immersing devotees in powerful waves of Divine Love and Bliss with this heart-melting chantings.
1940-1955 ( Satsang - True Association )
In the 1940s and 1950s, Shri Maharaj Ji started conducting satsangs that brought about a revolution of Bhakti (devotion). He would lead kirtans (divine chantings) imbued with intense devotion, which would continue throughout the night. These kirtans, which He wrote Himself, have been compared by scholars with those of Meerabai, Soordas, Tulsidas, and Ras Khan.
Radha Krishna Love
His sankirtan programs of those days were like the vivid glow of Radha-Krishna love that touched every heart, inspired everyone who was there and thrilled every soul who desired love of Radha-Krishna. Quite often He revealed the most amazing ecstatic state of Divine Love. According to the known history of Rasik Saints, these eminent states of Radha-Krishna love were revealed on the earth planet by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Ji for the first time in the last 5,000 years. The same expressions of Divine Love were seen in Shri Maharaj Ji when He chanted “Hare Ram” and “Hari Bol” in ecstasy.
Informal Discourses
During His satsangs Shri Maharaj Ji used to give informal discourses where He explained the concepts of devotion in a very simple language such that even an illiterate would grasp it. He would speak for several hours at a time oblivious of who came and who went home. His prime goal was to educate everyone about the knowledge given in our scriptures.
1955-1957 ( Jagadguru Title )
Organised Spiritual Conferences
Shri Maharaj Ji observed that people were misguided and totally ignorant of the actual essence of the scriptures, and the true form of devotional practice. To rectify this dismal spiritual state of mankind, in the year 1955, He organised a huge conference in Chitrakoot, which was attended by the most eminent scholars and Saints from Kashi, and various other parts of India. Another religious conference of a similar scale was organised by Him in 1956 in Kanpur. It was during these conferences that His scriptural omniscience was revealed to the world, and even the most learned scholars of Kashi who attended the conference were lost in amazement.
Honoured With Jagadguru Title
Impressed by Shri Maharaj Ji’s extraordinary authoritative knowledge of all the scriptures, the Kashi Vidvat Parishat, a prestigious and exclusive body of 500 of the most revered Vedic scholars, who collectively represented the foremost seat of spiritual learning in India, invited him to Kashi (Varanasi). Shri Maharaj Ji delivered a series of discourses in Sanskrit, which left all of them spellbound and speechless. With profound admiration, the scholars accepted Shri Maharaj Ji’s knowledge to be deeper than the combined knowledge of all 500 of them put together. They unanimously acclaimed him as “Jagadguru” (Spiritual Master of the whole world). This historic event took place on 14 January 1957. At the time, He was only 34 years of age.
Honoured As Jagadguruttam
Upon listening to Shri Maharaj Ji’s unique and authoritative knowledge of all scriptures, along with his astonishing reconciliation of the philosophies of the four prior Jagadgurus, the scholars of Kashi Vidvat Parishat gladly honoured Shri Maharaj Ji as Jagadguruttam, ‘Supreme amongst all Jagadgurus’.
1957-1971 ( Scriptural Discourses )
Traveled Throughout India
After accepting the title of Jagadguru, Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj travelled throughout India continuously for around fourteen years. He delivered month-long discourses in various cities, in which He revealed the mysteries of the scriptures before tens of thousands of people. Masses gathered at the venue for a glimpse of this extraordinary scholar and Saint whose words left them spellbound.
Spread Knowledge Through Discourses
Since that time, He continued to spread the knowledge and shower the nectar of Divine Love and Bliss. Shri Maharaj Ji’s lectures tantalized the masses with knowledge, humour, everyday examples and practical instructions, and delighted people of any age, language or country. It was a unique experience as He made the deepest scriptural truths accessible to everyone in the simplest language. His penetrative words had such divine power that even an atheist’s heart melted when Shri Maharaj Ji described the nature of the ultimate and absolute truth.
1971-2013 ( His Writings and Charity )
Devotional Literature
Shri Maharaj Ji composed thousands of bhajans and kirtans that evoke devotional sentiments within the heart. Topmost amongst them is ‘Prem Ras Madira’, a collection of 1008 devotional songs that has been highly praised by well-known poets of India. His book on philosophy, ‘Prem Ras Siddhant’ explains the ultimate aim of the individual soul, and sheds light on the importance of attaining divine grace and the indispensability of surrendering to a Saint. Shri Maharaj Ji has graced us with several other bhajan books such as Braj Ras Madhuri, Yugal Madhuri, Yugal Shatak, Bhakti Shatak, Yugal Ras, Shyama Shyam Geet, Radha Govind Geet, Krishna Dwadashi and Radha Trayodashi.
Trained Preachers
During His life, He personally trained more than fifty pracharaks, monastic disciples, both male and female. They continue to travel throughout India and the world as His ordained representatives, spreading the most authentic divine wisdom contained in our scriptures as revealed and explained by Shri Maharaj Ji. Together with their discourses, and Shri Maharaj Ji’s televised and online discourses, His teachings have spread all over the world.
Ascension To The Divine Abode
On November 15, 2013, Shri Maharaj Ji brought His visible pastimes to a close and returned to the divine abode of Shri Radha Krishna. His spiritual and charitable works are now being carried forward by the three Presidents of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat appointed by Him – Sushree Dr. Vishakha Tripathi, Sushree Dr. Shyama Tripathi and Sushree Dr. Krishna Tripathi.
Entire Life – Unlimited Grace on the Souls
Radha Krishna Love
Shri Maharaj Ji’s entire life was dedicated to distributing Radha Krishna love to souls who associated with Him. From the time He woke up until the time He went to bed, Shri Maharaj Ji used to be amongst the devotees showering nectar of Divine Bliss.
Shri Maharaj Ji’s Association
Shri Maharaj Ji mostly resided in His ashrams in Mangarh, Barsana, Vrindavan and Delhi. Thousands of people visited these centres to have Shri Maharaj Ji’s association and to participate in ecstatic chanting programs and celebrations. Sometimes Shri Maharaj Ji visited different cities and towns to enlighten the hearts and minds of huge audiences that gathered to hear His explanations of the divine philosophy. His vivid descriptions of Radha Krishna pastimes and virtues thrilled the audience with the experience of Krishna love.
Guru Of The Entire World
Each and every individual soul who naturally yearned for the attainment of happiness, found solace in Shri Maharaj Ji. He shined with divinity and worked tirelessly to uplift humanity. He dispelled all doubts of spiritual confusion with great ease and effectively revealed a clear and practical path leading to God. He was, in the true sense of the word, a Jagadguru, Guru of the entire world.
Divine Philosophy
Shri Maharaj Ji’s repertoire of literary and spoken commentaries surpass that of all the previous Jagadgurus and prominent saints who wrote commentaries on various scriptures of Sanatan Dharm. He manifested a treasure chest of the Names, Forms, Virtues, Pastimes, and Abodes of God, in the form of the tens of thousands of Bhajans, Keertans, Padas, and Couplets that he composed. Shri Maharaj Ji eulogizs the glories of Radha Krishna Bhakti and inspires devotional sentiments in simple language.

Shri Maharaj Ji for the benefit of ordinary souls, revealed and documented the ‘Prem Ras Siddhant’ is Crown Jewel amongst many other priceless Gems of Divine Revelations that Shri Maharaj Ji has gifted us in his lifetime.
Shri Maharaj Ji has also revealed the Divine Leelas of Radha Krishna and the Nectar of Divine Love in the form of 1008 songs called ‘Prem Ras Madira’. It reveals the seven step process towards God-realization, the highest level of bliss that can be achieved by a soul.
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj has graced us all by presenting the core teachings of Hinduism in a very simplified manner.
Read MoreSpiritual Master Of The World Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj was honoured with the title of Jagadguru on 14th January 1957 by the Kashi Vidvat Parishat. With profound admiration, they declared Him as JAGADGURUTTAM (Supreme amongst all five Jagadgurus). Furthermore, they honored Him with the following accolades:
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj not only validated His teachings and discourses to be the only true eternal philosophy of God by citing the Vedas and the Vedic Scriptures, but He also revealed and explained the facts and intricate secrets buried in these Divine Scriptures in the simplest manner through everyday examples experienced by individual souls, that would otherwise be incomprehensible for an ordinary person.

Vedmarga- pratishthapanacharya
The Vedas are the topmost treasure amongst all scriptures in the Hindu religion and are eternal, boundless and are in fact the Divine words of God Himself. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj manifested the quintessence of all Vedic Scriptures by revealing and establishing the easiest path to God Realisation – the true goal of every individual soul.
Sanatanavaidikadharma- pratishthapanasatsampradaya- paramacharya
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj neither made any disciples nor did He form any ethnic group. With due respect to all existing philosophies and religions in the world today, He established selfless devotion to Radha-Krishna as the only true eternal path for the individual souls to attain the ultimate goal of life – God Realisation.
Nikhiladarshana- samanvayacharya
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj validated all existing philosophies of Spiritual Masters from the past, and at the same time, He presented His own philosophy in the simplest form, which reconciled all contradictory viewpoints and discrepancies found in the existing philosophies and scriptural teachings.
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj not only had complete authority over the Vedas and the Vedic Scriptures, but was also the embodiment of Divine Love Bliss, and hence was honoured with the title of “Bhaktiyogarasavatar”. In the current dark age (Kaliyuga), He made the Divine Love of Radha-Krishna flow into even the most sinful hearts, proving Him to be Bhaktiyogarasavatar (an embodiment of Divine Love Bliss).
Spiritual Foundation
To further help people progress on the path towards God-realization, he built several Ashrams & Satsang centers, with the support of devotees from across the world. Prominent amongst them is JKP-Bhakti Dham in Mangarh, Rangeeli Mahal in Barsana & Shyama Shyam Dham in Vrindavan. Shri Maharaj Ji also dedicated ‘Bhakti Bhavan’ in Mangarh and ‘Prem Bhavan’ at Prem Mandir in Vrindavan.
He dedicated the temple of devotion, ‘Bhakti Mandir’ to his beloved devotees in 2005. the incomparable ‘Prem Mandir’, is aptly known as The Temple of Divine Love in Vrindavan, in the year 2012. Never short of compassion, Shri Maharaj Ji has dedicated three Large Charitable Hospitals for the poor and needy, one each in Mangarh, Barsana and Vrindavan.
He has also built a school and a college for women with over 1000 students near Mangarh Ashram and a Management College in the offing. His every step was for the glorification of Radha Krishna and His act of causeless grace for the benefit of souls.
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The Supreme Spiritual Master of This World, the descension of Divine Love, the undisputed authority of Vedic religion and the reconciler of all spiritual doctrines, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj was the personified form of Divine Love.